For Startups
If you’re an entrepreneur looking for IP protection, you’ve come to the right place. A large part of our practice centers around startups- from emerging growth companies to single inventors. We’re always cognizant of the special considerations, like cash burn, investor concerns, and protecting engineering time.
We Understand the Startup World
Our friends, family, and social network are all in the startup world (we’re based in northern and southern California after all). We’re surrounded by startups, and for that reason, especially positioned to understand the unique concerns of startup clients.
Competitive Pricing
Because we’ve reevaluated the traditional law firm model to build a modern law firm that enjoys reduced overhead, you don’t have to pay big firm bills. And we have time to provide personalized attention to your matters because we aren’t under time pressure to time-box projects like other firms do.
We’re Techies
We’re techies ourselves- early adopters playing with the latest gadgets and services, so we’re up to speed with the most recent in tech. Our practitioners worked in the tech industry in their previous lives and have experience developing products and services, so we’re one of you.
Modern Approach
Quality and impressive results don’t require suits, some of the world’s most amazing innovation happens in shirts, shorts, and flip flops. If anybody knows this, it’s those in tech, who know that a law firm doesn’t need to be traditional and conservative to provide excellent services.
Low Overhead
We’ll Guide
You’re already wearing multiple hats- you don’t need to wear another one. For that reason, we’ll make it easy by guiding you through the process and explaining each step clearly so that you can quickly understand every important consideration.
Up-to-Date Systems
We’ve significantly reduced overhead by cutting out costly licensing for antiquated systems commonly used by law firms. Instead, we reexamined our options and opted for solutions that are up-to-date, more capable, and more dependable. For that reason, we’re excited to have a state-of-the-art practice that’s solid and passes those savings on to our clients.
Keep You In The Know
We’ll keep you updated with changes that you should know about in the IP legal field. You can also check our News section, blog, or social networking presence whenever you’d like to come up to speed.